Most Loving Lord, today the sun rose in the east and I knew all is well in the heavens and the earth. Watching the sun peak its head above the horizon and shed its early morning light reminds me of Your rising from the dead. Because You rose from the dead, Your light broke through the darkness that enveloped my life. Following Your resurrection, You ascended into Heaven and took Your seat at the right hand of Your Father. I’m sure You felt proud when He said “this is my son in whom I am very proud.” Through Your loving action, the gates of Heaven have been opened to me and the marvelous light of Your glory shines down to show me the way I am to go. The Good News I carry with me is that You came down from Heaven and conquered sin and death through Your personal sacrifice. You have truly earned Your title as King of Glory. How wonderful it is to think that I am Yours and You are mine.
Only You can take over my broken life and piece it back together. For so long, I stumbled through the darkness and could not find my way. And, like the morning sun, You shined Your light into my life so I could understand the way to move it forward. Never again will I hunger and thirst for righteousness because it has been given to me through my adoption by Your Heavenly Father. Through Your brokenness, I have been made whole … through Your death, I’ve been made victorious … and, through Your generosity, I’ve been made rich. The warmth of Your light shining into my life feels like the warm morning sunlight that warms the earth each day. In the same way that natural light stimulates plants to grow and mature, so does the holy light that flows from Your Words cause me to grow and mature. In receiving Your light, my whole being is being flooded with joy.
You are the Bread who feeds me spiritually. You are the Way to prosperity and overcoming adversity. You are the Truth given to me as the solid rock upon which I can build my life. You are the Life of the world to come and the power to succeed in this one. No longer does fear have a hold on me because Your light has helped me see the things that are real and true … and this has given me confidence. You have come to show me a better way and, in the same way that the sun comes up each day, You show me that You are just and reliable. You know my heart and are guiding me to the place where You want me to live out my calling. Keep me from rejecting the help of Your Spirit who only wants to aid and assist me in becoming more like You. How happy I am to see the morning sun come up each day because it reminds me of Your faithfulness and power. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Ecclesiastes 11:7 Light is sweet and it pleases the eyes to see the sun …