The Sweetness of Your Love

I praise You, My Lord, for You color my life with happiness and hope.  Even when I can see storm clouds looming on the horizon, You give me the courage to face them.  The beauty of Your presence in my life suppresses the strife and heartache that I face.  With You by my side, I can find peace even though troubles surround me.  Through Your love, my trust and faith grow stronger so that I am able to keep my enemies at bay and circumstances in perspective.  My love for You causes me to rejoice at all times and in all things because You have always been faithful in my times of need.  As long as I am covered by Your protection, I will not fear or shrink from the tasks You have set before me.  I know that You are moving in my life and, with Your aid, I am able to make better choices that help me persevere through my difficulties rather than succumbing to them.  Regardless of what problems I face, I know You are there and, when the going really gets tough, I can use Your Word to steady myself.

Help me walk in faith, with confidence, each day so that I can avoid conflict and fear.  With Your guidance, I know I can overcome any obstacle that blocks my path.  I want You in control of my life and I promise to do my best to follow Your lead and obey Your commands.  When I tire, I will turn to You for strength and perseverance.  Knowing You are there, unconditionally loving me, makes it easier to deal with the hardships and disappointments that I face.  I am appreciative of all the things that You do for me each day.  Sometimes they go unnoticed, but I know they are happening because of the peace and contentment I feel no matter what is going on around me.  You put a silver lining around my storm clouds and keep my boat afloat when I am being swamped.

I can’t offer You enough “thank you’s” for all the good things that You do for me.  When I am sad or discouraged, You encourage me through the tenderness of Your love and the strength of Your words.  I want to demonstrate my appreciation for Your acts of kindness toward me with my own acts of kindness toward others because that pleases You.  It is Your presence and Your love that makes each day worthwhile.  Because of the graciousness You extend to me, I will praise You in the good times and the bad.  As I learn the lessons You are trying to teach me, I am confident that my life is being built on a solid foundation and my successes will outnumber my failures.  Living my life for You has caused my mourning to be turned into joy … my problems to be turned into possibilities with a promise … and my defeats turned into victories.  It’s a wonderful thing to walk in the sweetness of Your love and find peace and rest.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

I John 4:16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.  God is love.  Whoever lives in love lives in God and God in Him.

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