The Whole Story of Christmas (Christmas Theme)

Most Loving God, in trying to reach me with Your love and eliminate the barrier that my sins had created between us, You sent Your Son to earth. His surrender to Your will allowed Him to blot out the eternal damnation associated with the sins and open the doors to Heaven so that I might enter in. Each birth is a true miracle and every child is a gift from You. But nearly 20 centuries ago there was a special miracle. A baby was born who was Your Son. With a divine Father and human Mother, Jesus entered the world as “both” God and man. His perfect life, the truths that He spoke, and the sacrifice of His “human” life were meant to draw me to Him and cause me to follow Him into Your bosom. If I ignore Your gracious gift of life through Your Son, I reject You. Your Son was to become the Cornerstone of Your church on earth. And become the strong foundation on which I would build my life.

The story of Your Son’s life began with an angel appearing to Zachariah, then Mary and then Joseph proclaiming to them the impending birth of their sons. From Zachariah and Elizabeth would come John the Baptist who would prepare the way for Christ’s coming. Mary would conceive by the Holy Spirit and Joseph had to be talked out of divorcing Mary for becoming pregnant outside of their betrothal. Joseph and Mary were required to travel to Bethlehem because of a decree by Ceasar Agustus declaring that a census be taken. So that is where Jesus was born. Angels announced to some shepherds and a star directed some Wise Men from the East to the manger where He was born. They came to offer gifts and homage to the child who they knew was “special.” These men were witnesses to the birth of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Growing up, at the age of 12, Jesus knew He had to be about His father’s work and entered the Temple in Jerusalem to talk to the teachers of theology who ministered there. After being baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River, He was tempted by the Devil in the desert, had to bring together His 12 apostles, and set out to preach the coming of Your Kingdom. Through miracles related to healing, raising the dead back to life and feeding the multitudes, He demonstrated that He was more than just a “mortal” man. As He entered Jerusalem at the end of His life, the mission You gave Him was to be rejected by His people, tried by pagans and be crucified for my sins. Being a man, He went through all the things that I go through and He overcame them all. And despite all that He knew about His time on earth He remained obedient to You and went about sharing Your love. In honor of Him, I must be willing to do the same things. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Luke 2:14 “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace to men on whom His favor rests.”

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