These Three Truths

O Gracious and Benevolent God, of these three things I am assured … My Heavenly Father’s love … the redemptive power of the Son’s sacrifice … and, the Holy Spirit’s help in becoming an overcomer.

Father, Your love fills my life with goodness, favor and blessings.  You formed the world to share Your love and Yourself with me.  In Your creation, You had a special role for everything … each person, each creature, each element … was created for a specific purpose in Your plan.  From the very beginning, You recognized Adam’s need for a “helpmate” so You gave him Eve.  And, when they disobeyed, You had a “backup” plan to redeem them and all of Your people.  Over the expanse of time, from the Garden until Your Son’s death, You gave the law, priests, prophets and kings, as instruments of Your love to guide us.  When the passage of time proved that man could not save himself, You sent Your Son, as a sign of Your esteem for each of us … and, as a result, He laid down His life so I could take up mine.

And the Son, in loving obedience to the Father, left his heavenly estate to take on the limitations of mortal man in order to share a message of hope and redemption.  And, for His efforts, He was crucified by the people He came to save.  As a sign of His victory, He rose from the dead to show His people the way to eternal life.  So in Baptism, I am buried with Him, but I rise with Him in victory.  Through the washing and regeneration of the Holy Spirit, I become like Him and I am given new life.  Through His redemptive power, I am able to withstand the temptation and the struggles with my flesh.  Thanks to Your efforts on my behalf, I am no longer a slave but a free man … able to lead an overcomer’s life.  Through You, I’m bought with a price and I can now stand in Your power with Heaven as my home.

Through the working of the Holy Spirit, I no longer struggle alone against the powers of evil and the weaknesses of my flesh.  He guides me in reading the Word and showing me the way to live my life.  Through the Spirit’s revelations, I’ve come to understand the truths that give me hope and the power to overcome.  As I endure troubles and trials, He comforts me and reassures me regarding my future.  No longer will the obstacles in my path confound or stifle me for, in His Wisdom, He will show me how to maneuver around them.  Each day, I will ask the Holy Spirit to walk with me and talk to me … keeping me on the right path and infusing me with His power.  I confess I do not understand many things but, in these three truths regarding Yourself, I am sure.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

John 14:15-16 If you love me, you will keep my commands.  And I will ask the Father and He will give you and Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth …

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