(Thoughts to Live By)
There are things that, in the course of my life, have become truths that You’ve shown me to live by. I feel these nuggets of wisdom and insight have come from You so that I might see things that are not obvious unless You show them to me. These truths are meaningful and resonate within my spirit. Insights that I’ve learned include:
- I reap what I sow … but sometimes I do not see it that way.
- Happiness is a decision by my mind to agree with the Holy Spirit.
- All things are possible when I possess enough faith to believe they are attainable and I am walking in Your will.
- If I give, it shall be given to me … if I do not give to receive.
- Seeking first the Kingdom of God opens the doors of Heaven to shower me with mercy, grace, and favor.
- Ask (in faith) … Seek (with a clear focus) … and knock (with persistence and determination) … then it will be given to me … I will find it … and, doors formerly shut to me, will be opened.
- If I want things to change, I must be willing to change.
- As I am faithful in the little things, God will be faithful in the bigger ones.
- Looking past my problems helps me get past them.
- I have come to understand that my past effects my present and my future. And my actions today will become my past and have already begun to shape my future.
- Nothing is free … there is always a cost of acquiring. The question is … am I willing to pay the price? (This applies to earthly and heavenly matters equally.)
- It’s not the fall, rather the recovery that counts the most.
- The bigger the obstacle I encounter, without the Lord, the bigger the mess that I will have to clean up.
I thank You, O Lord, for the opportunities You’ve given me to accumulate these nuggets of truth so that I might better manage my life and live in accordance with Your will. The illumination of my life with Your Wisdom is a blessing and something that I cherish. Continue to enlighten me with the things I will need to know in order to make my life a success and enable me to walk uprightly. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Proverbs 5:1 My son, pay attention to my wisdom; listen well to my words of insight.