Most Holy God, how marvelous it is to have You as my Master and be a part of Your creation. It is hard for me to visualize that there are three separate persons who make up the Godhead that I serve. However, I believe it is true because You declared it to be so. Each person of the “Trinity” has a separate function … yet You work harmoniously as One. The Father is the designer and planner of my existence. He laid out the elements of each day’s creation. He meticulously and thoughtfully laid out the design for every living and every inanimate thing … each having its own special purpose in His overall plan. He even had the foresight to devise a contingency plan for man’s redemption when he ultimately disobeyed Him. He sent His Son to show me what He expected of me and how I was to worship Him.
In God the Son, man was given a living picture of the Father. In obedience, You spoke only what He heard the Father say and did what the Father asked of You. From the very beginning of time, You were the connection between God and man. Whether it was walking with man in the garden or speaking to him from the burning bush, You were the face of God to man. It was You who paid the price to save me from my sins. It was Your suffering that redeemed me and Your blood that washed my sins away and made me as white as snow. You are my Advocate pleading my case before the Father. The Holy Spirit is my Counselor and Encourager and watches out for my well-being. He was left here, when You departed for Heaven, to teach and guide me through life’s adventure. I never have to fret over walking alone or with my head filled with confusion since He stands by my side to show me the way I am to go.
It is beautiful to see how you three function as One. I never think of you each doing your own thing … independent of one another. I see the “Trinity” more as pieces of a jigsaw puzzle fitting together to create a beautiful picture of how things should be. I also sense the great love that each of you have for one another. The Father speaking lovingly from a cloud on several occasions to express His pleasure with Your work here on earth. You obeyed the Father’s wish to save man from his sins because of Your love and admiration for Him. And, the great trust and confidence You had in the Holy Spirit in asking Him to remain with man to comfort and guide him and, He in turn, out of love and respect for You did as You requested. Even though I cannot adequately describe the functioning of three separate person acting as One, I believe it to be a fact and I live by it. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Ephesians 4:4-5 There is one body and one Spirit – one Lord, one faith, one baptism – one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.