Most Beloved Son of the Father, I am comforted by Your words which You spoke saying “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust in me.” Through these words, I have Your assurance that You will be with me each day and in every situation I face. While there are many ways to get from here to there … there is only one way to get to Heaven … with, by and through You. In uniting my life with Yours, I have established a pathway to the Triune God. I believe that as I place more trust in You, the way will be made clearer to me. Through You, I am made a child of God with all the benefits that accrue to an heir. I understand that Your way is the only one and I cannot work my way to Heaven. Some may consider that Your way is too restrictive, but it is THE one that I must follow. I am so thankful that You have provided me with THE SURE way.
If I am to be a follower, I must trust the words that You speak. Beside You and Your Word, there can be no other truth. The words You speak are flawless and pure with no hidden messages, no hidden meanings, no double-talk. Teach me how to follow Your example … guide me in Your truth … and I know that my faith will grow. It is Your truth that has released me from the shackles of sin and helped me escape the snares of my enemies. Your words are right and true … and they can be relied on. The scriptures, unlike people, are reliable and speak only the truth. You do not deal in falsehoods, change Your mind or speak with double-meanings. I believe Your words because they are dependable and unchanging. Your truth, faithfulness and love never fail me. When I align my plans with Your Word, they always succeed. I have chosen the way of truth because it has set me free to be all I can for You.
Since giving myself to You, the light of Your goodness comes up each morning just as the sun rises from the darkness to shed light into the day. I stumble through life lost in the darkness until Your light comes to guide me into a better way. Because of Your love for me, my eyes have been opened to the new life You have planned for me. I was blinded to the new life that You offered to me but now I can walk in that newness of life. The glow of Your goodness and the power behind Your words have ushered in a new life for me and moved me in the right direction. Where darkness exists, there is deceit and all manner of evil. In Your light, I have seen who I am in You and I have been steered away from evil. I need more of Your light so that I can see evil and avoid it. Since You have guided me into a new life through truth and light, I am confident of succeeding in it. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well.”