Most Loving Savior, my desire is to grow in the knowledge of Your will for me so that I can live a life worthy of You that is pleasing in every way. As I begin to understand who You are and Your vision for my life, I know I will be able to produce good fruit through my acts of love … become strengthened in Your power so that with endurance and patience I can run my race … and, with joy and thanksgiving share the Good News of who You are with others. I am most grateful for Your delivering me from the dominion of darkness and bringing me into Your marvelous light. It is through Your death and resurrection that the price for my sins has been paid. I have come to realize that if I am going to be worth anything, I must allow myself to be changed into who You want me to become. The things You share with me are not just to be accumulated and stored, but they are to be put into action.
I am thankful that the things You know are not meant for just a few, but they are available to all. Your desire is for me to know You better so I can partake of the things You have to share with me and put them to use in the furtherance of Your Kingdom. I am glad that You are my Pathway to a rich inheritance … my Rescuer from the stranglehold of my enemy … The One who offers me citizenship in Your Kingdom … and, The Judge who has pardoned me from sin and an eternal death sentence. I now rely on You to stand with me and strengthen me in my times of need. You are the image of Your Father and, like You, I want to be a reflection of who He is so that others can come to know Him too. I am grateful that, as Your child, You have conveyed to me Your power and authority so evil cannot become my master. By faith, You have become very real to me and I promise to follow wherever You lead me.
You are not only the Creator of the universe, but You are the One who sustains it. It is in Your power that all things are held together and I am protected from the chaos that would exist if You were our Guardian. Because You are the Sustainer of all life, it is You who sustains me each day and shines Your light upon me. I am nothing apart from You and I count on You to protect me from danger, care for all of my needs and love me when I am a miserable mess. Because You alone are worthy of all praise and honor, I daily lift up my voice to You and give You first place in my heart. Help me in avoiding the entrapments and occasions of sin which have been set to cause me to fall from Your grace and be separated from Your love. When I am out of harmony with You, I become hostile to Your standards and ways. That is why I need Your hand to guide me. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
I Corinthians 6:17 But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with Him in the spirit.