Most Admired Savior, my life’s goal is to commit everything to You … trusting that You will transform it into something which is pleasing and useful. Take my life and mold into an image of You. I want the scales, that blind me from Your light shining into my life, to be removed from my eyes. I want the ear plugs, that stifle my reception of Your voice speaking to me, to be pulled from my ears. I want the clouds of confusion, that fill my mind, to be eliminated so I can think clearly and make sound decisions. I want my fleshly yearnings abated so I can love You with a pure and contrite heart. No longer do I want to subject my will to Yours. My goal is to see sin powerless in my life the way You intended. I need the Holy Spirit to guide me in prioritizing the things I need to deal with.
Take every moment in each day and fill them with good works and praise for You. I am grateful for all of the benefits that You’ve shared with me and I want to share them with others. I no longer want to be greedy and selfish; instead, becoming a generous giver of all that I have in order to meet the needs of others. I have come to realize that in being consecrated I’ve turned over every aspect of my life to Your will. My choices and thoughts must now conform to Your wishes and Your priorities. Each time I am faced with a decision, I should ask myself … “What would Christ do?” Your desire is for me to walk uprightly and not waste my time, talents and resources. I am so thankful that You’ve redeemed me from sinfulness and emptiness. You are My Rescuer and I do not want to squander the opportunities You’ve provided to me. Nothing I can imagine is better than a life totally committed to You.
Sacrifices are important to You, but not the blood sacrifices of animals. Instead, what You desire is for me to be obedient and conformed to Your will. The gift that pleases You the most is a “living sacrifice”. One that is made daily in which my desires are laid aside in order to follow You … putting my energy, talents and resources at Your disposal … and, trusting You to guide me into truth and righteous living. I should be willing to do this in gratitude for Your suffering and death which were offered as the price for the forgiveness of my sins. Because You have shown me the way to live an unselfish, loving and generous life, I must become willing to be conformed to it. Since You have designed a positive and perfect plan for my life, I need to do everything possible to commit myself totally to You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
Wow! this is incredible! keep up the good work!!