True Revelation

Most Wondrous Lord, the Book of Revelation unveils Your full identity and the Father’s plan for the end of the world. It focuses on Your Second Coming, Your victory over evil and the establishment of Your Kingdom. The primary message is the infiniteness of Your love, power and justice. There are many signs and symbols that convey the essence of what will happen during the End Times. Because what You revealed to the Apostle John was so indescribable, he uses illustrations to show what it was “like.” When reading the Book of Revelation, I do not feel compelled to understand every detail but rather realize what is being disclosed is Your Glory and Majesty. While You provide information about the future, my perspective must not become gloomy and fearful … it should be hopeful and I should see myself as a “winner.” Your plan for the future provides me with inspiration and encouragement.

When I hesitate to witness to others concerning who You are, I must never forget what qualifies me as a witness. You demonstrated Your great love for me when You set me free from sin and guaranteed me a place at Your banqueting table in Heaven. By Your death and resurrection on my behalf, I am called to become a witness of Your love for everyone. The fact that You offered me eternal life is nothing short of spectacular. Revelation portrays You as an All-Powerful King, victorious over evil, and glorious as God’s Son. You are not just a humble teacher, but the Magnificent Lord of All. Your words are more than just good advice … they are truth spoken by the King of Kings. As I read the Book of Revelation, let the truth of who You are penetrate my life, deepen my faith and strengthen my commitment to You. I rejoice in the fact that in Your return evil will be conquered and justice will be dispensed.

You are the Alpha and Omega … the beginning and the end. You are the God of the past, present and future. Without You nothing is eternal … nothing changes my life … nothing saves me from sin. I must honor You as the One who has existed from the beginning and will be with me until the end. No matter what I face, I know that You will protect me through Your power and love. Because You left the earth, the Holy Spirit remains with me (and all Believers) until You come again. When my life fills with strife and conflict, I will remember that You are my Deliverer and the Lifter of my Head. In the Book of Revelation, You are shown to be the Mighty Son of God. Filled with wisdom, glowing in Your divine nature You will come to root out all evil. I rejoice in the fact that You are my eternal High Priest who pleads for me before the Father to obtain forgiveness for my sins. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Revelation 1:7 Look, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; all the people of the earth will mourn because of Him. So shall it be!

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