Trustworthy Are You

Shepherd of the Flock, I am reassured by Your promise that He who calls me is the One who will do what He promised. Whenever I do wrong in Your sight, I know You will correct me, but I believe that You will never leave or forsake me. I am further convinced that You will never withhold Your kindness nor dissolve Your covenant with me … for You are a God of tender mercy. I remember in the scriptures that You said a rainbow is a sign of Your covenant with man and is meant to reassure us that You are with us always. I do believe that You are with me every day and that You watch over me everywhere I go. And, when I get off track, You will not leave me … but instead, come after me and bring me back to where I belong. Because of Your commitment to me, I know that You will deliver me from every attempt of my enemy to lead me astray.

I am confident in Your promise to stand by me and meet all of my needs. In no way have You failed to deliver on Your promises. Only when I stray from You has evil and unplanned circumstances made their way into my life. I can never recall a moment when You did not honor Your promise to do what You say You will do. I am blessed to be prosperous, in good health and live in the peace and rest that comes from belonging to You. Because You have been good to me and stood by me in my times of need, I gladly proclaim Your faithfulness to everyone I meet. I rejoice in Your concern for me and Your loving kindness which You show in many different ways. You will not break Your vow to stand with me and protect me from harm. You have faithfully stood by me when I did not deserve it. I feel truly blessed to have You as a part of my life.

I sense Your eyes following me everywhere I go because You do not sleep or have need of rest. Only You have the strength and commitment to put my safety and well-being front and center of things. I am thankful for Your promise to never let me be tested beyond what I can handle. And with every temptation I face, You promise to supply me with a way of escape. I am glad that You do not go back on Your promises and are longsuffering toward me, not willing to have me collapse under the weight of my follies. I am confident that when I am remiss, You will remain faithful. I am so thankful that You never give up on me and You wait with open arms for the time when I come running back to You for forgiveness. I feel so privileged to have You in my life and I am confident that I can count on You to come to my aid whenever I have a need. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Genesis 28:15 Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go … I will not leave you until I have done everything I have promised to you.

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