I give thanks to You, My Awesome King, for You have freely shared the secrets of Your Kingdom with me so I could comprehend real truth. As I have accepted Your truths, I’ve been released from the shackles of worldly thinking and the deceptions of my enemies. As a part of Your flock, I listen for Your voice and follow where You lead. I believe that what You reveal will lead me to a better, more victorious and joy-filled place. If I’m to become a faithful Christian, I must learn to be obedient and do what You command me to do. Since I am a temple in which You dwell, I must do everything in my power to walk uprightly, in humility and love. You suffered and died so I could experience the depth of Your love for me … and, in return, I must deny myself and take up my cross to follow You. With Your light shining into my life, I now believe in my heart that I can live out Your calling on it.
Of this I am sure … no immoral person will inherit Your Kingdom. You’ve given me Your laws so that I can know what is Your good and acceptable will. I must use Your teachings to guide me in navigating the troubled waters of pride, greed, selfishness and evil. Through the lessons You’ve taught me, I’ve experienced … need and plenty … darkness and light … dread and hope … sickness and good health … heartache and love. My lessons have made me want to draw closer to You so that I can walk in the power of Your resurrection and love. As a result of trusting You with my life, I’ve come to expect that blessings, goodness, mercy and grace will become a part of my everyday life. My confidence in being Your child is that … You will constantly watch over me … protect me from evil … guide me in paths of righteousness … and, sustain me with Your love and might.
I have come to realize that friendship with the world is hatred toward You. Therefore, I must remain watchful in order to stay clear of the seductions of wealth, power and position. I must take special care to insure that Your truths do not get perverted into seeing evil as good. Since I live in the world, I need to be careful not to be drawn away by my lusts or lead away in darkness. I need to be very selective in giving out my loyalties because, to whomever I dedicate myself, I become their slave. I want to avoid acts of pride and selfishness, desires that are unnatural and the occasions of sin that lead me away from You. As My Shepherd, Your knowledge is being transferred to me … Your grace and mercy follow me wherever I go … and, whenever I have a need, You become my source of supply. I am convinced that my life will improve as I learn to walk hand in hand with You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 119:173 May Your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen Your precepts.