O Wondrous Lord of All, Pilate asked “what is truth?” when he ended his interrogation of You, but You gave no response. In searching for the answer, I’ve learned this about truth … Your Word is my source for deriving truth and it is the moral compass that guides my life. It is a tragedy when I fail to heed what You are trying to show me is truth, but it is an even greater tragedy to recognize it and fail to obey it. Without truth, there is no basis for moral right or wrong. For truth is not what a group of people agree on that’s truth … nor is it what helps me advance my goals. Truth can only be found in Your words and in what You did. In the same way that life was breathed into the first man, so has life been breathed into The Word. Through the words of the Scriptures, Your life is poured into mine. You live in my heart through Your laws and precepts that have been preserved through the annals of time.
Send me Your light and let Your truth guide me. I desire both because they go hand in hand. Truth provides me with the right path to follow and light gives me a clear vision of how I am to follow it. When I am surrounded by darkness and confusion, I follow the light generated by Your truth which shows me the way out. As I live by Your truth, I am drawn into the light so that I can plainly see what I must do to replicate Your actions and obey Your commands. Your light removes the darkness that leads me to sin and reveals the possibilities created by my knowledge of Your truth. You have revealed much about Yourself when You said … “I am the way and the truth and the life. If You know me you will know the Father.” In another place, You said, “I tell you the truth.” You also made a connection between the Holy Spirit and truth in saying, “When the Spirit comes, He will guide You into all truth.”
The Scriptures tell me that the Word became flesh and dwelled among us. In Your coming, You dispensed grace and truth to all who would believe. To insure that I understood the “real” truth, Your Father sent You to live it out so I would be without excuse. Your laws and commands illustrate Your character and reflect Your desire to guide me. Through Your words and life, the very nature of God has been revealed to me. As I get to know You better, my understanding of Your truths increase. Troubles and distress come upon me but Your truth rescues me from them. Your intent in dispensing truth is to deliver me from the powers and deceits of my enemy. To show me that Your truth resides in me, You send tests to try me and examine my motives. Because You are faithful, can be trusted and have shown Yourself reliable, I know that You and Your words are truth. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 119:30 I have chosen the way of truth. I have set my heart on Your laws.