My God, My God how merciful You are to me a sinner. When I sin against You, I am making a choice to leave the safety of Your side and take on the demands of life alone. When I do not listen to Your commands, I am making a decision to gamble with my future. Is it any wonder that when I cry out to You … all I hear is silence. You are the only one that I can count on to rescue me from myself and the Evil One. When my faith and relationship with You is strong, I can trust in You and Your desire to care for my needs. It is at these times that I cry out and You come quickly to my aid. Your steady hand assures me that You are with me and I can count on Your strength to redeem me from trouble.
When I am weak and cowardly, I am a scourge to You and those who depend on me for their care. In my own strength, I find myself continually falling short of Your calling on my life. My life wobbles side to side like the beginning steps of a young child just learning to walk. I sometimes wonder … where is my backbone when I’m called upon to defend Your name or my faith? Why is it that I join in with the mockers and turn my back on You by sinning? When I find myself vulnerable and defenseless, You have seemingly always been there to rescue me. To this very day, I feel frightened and unsure when I do not sense Your presence with me. When I am separated from You by my sins or neglect, my heart melts within me … my spirit lies in the dust … and, my enemies encircles me to steal and rob from me.
Draw near to me, My Lord, and do not stand far from me. You are the source of my strength, so come quickly to restore me. Deliver me from the hands of my enemies and the powers of darkness. As My Savior, I will declare Your name before all those who are lost and searching for hope. Because You have suffered pain, abandonment, disdain and rejection for my sake, I bow down in honor to You. As a result of Your unconditional love and personal sacrifices, I owe You unquestioning devotion and faithful service. As I look back upon my life, I am able to see the times You have intervened on my behalf and I’m humbled by Your commitment and belief in me. My heart belongs to You, My Good Shepherd, along with everything I possess and treasure. I give thanks always for the fact that whenever I get lost, You always come after me. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 31:2 Turn Your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me.