Most Understanding Lord, when Your people become crushed, overwhelmed and confused their hope fades and they feel lost. Suffering takes many forms … physical abuse, lost of a loved one, debilitating sickness, loss of job, etc. The pain and anguish caused by these events tempt us to turn back to the darkness from which we are trying to escape, surrender in helplessness or just give up. It’s at this time that we need Your love and tender kindness to come to our aid. We need to be reminded of the hope of eternal life and our calling to be people of love. In reality, when we undergo suffering we actually become partners in Your suffering. And in the same way that Your Father’s love brought You through Your trying time, we count on Your love to get us through ours. We were chosen because of Your love for us and a desire to free us from the shackles of sin. Our safety and security are found in You.
As a Christian, I should expect some level of ridicule, rejection and suffering for my faith. Suffering causes me to rely on You and Your love. When adversity comes into my life, Your sacrificial love should give me confidence, patience and hope to withstand the trial or testing. The reason I can count on You is because You are the foundation of my life and are always faithful. As a consequence, I should remain devoted, loyal and faithful to You. By obeying You, I show that I love You more than myself. I must strive to live up to Your challenge to live differently from the world around me. In the same way You loved me, I am called to treat others the same way … particularly my church family. Though it is not always easy, willing service is the best way I can show Your love to others. To gain the strength and fortitude I need to become self-disciplined and submissive, I need to seek You regularly in prayer.
Love requires that I judge no one. I can count on the fact that everyone will receive perfect judgement from God. Without exception I must face Him. Because of Your perfect justice, You will punish evil doers and give mercy and grace to those who respond to Your calling. Because everyone is accountable, I can leave judgement of others to You and focus on spreading Your love. I must not hate or resent those who treat me badly. I must realize that I am accountable for the way I handle circumstances and relationships with others. I am responsible for the way that I live each day. If I suffer and I’m counting the cost for doing something that is right, I must reflect on how Your commitment to me was truly sacrificial. You suffered for me because You love me and, as Your Word encourages me, I should count it all joy when I am called to act in love for You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
I Peter 1:8 Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though You do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with inexpressible and glorious joy.