Where is My Security?

Praise to You, My Gracious Lord, for through Your abundant mercy and grace my life has been filled with hope and joy through Your death, burial and resurrection.  Because of Your loving sacrifice, I’ve been given an incorruptible inheritance, a spotless record and a place reserved for me in Heaven.  I am sustained every day by my faith and trust in You.  As a sheep in Your fold, I am able to hear and recognize Your voice and follow its commands.  Through Your work, I have an imperishable life which cannot be snatched out of Your hand.  As a result of Your commitment to me, I am persuaded that neither death nor life, angels nor principalities, height nor depth, things present nor to come, can separate me from Your love.  I am confident that the good work which You have begun in me will be completed as I follow Your lead.

You alone can keep me from stumbling and being led astray by deceitful words.  Your presence in my life brings me abundant joy … Your wisdom helps me avoid the pitfalls that others tumble into …  and, Your dominion and power strengthen me for my journey and the struggles I will encounter along the way.  When I stop to contemplate Your creation, I am awed by the power and wisdom required to create it.  I am reassured in knowing I can call out to You and those same forces will be used to save me from adversity.  As I navigate life, I see goodness and mercy as two little pups following me around to assure my success.  So long as I live out the commands and instructions found in Your Word, I know I will be the beneficiary of all of the blessings You intend for Your own.  As a result of my belief in You, as my Lord, I know that my spirit man has been washed as white as snow and my natural man is a recipient of Your blessings and prosperity.

Through the working of the Holy Spirit, I’ve been renewed and sealed until the day Your return.  I know that Your expectation is that I will show the same diligence in fulfilling my calling as You did Yours.  You do not want me to become sluggish or slothful in carrying out my servantly duties.  With faith and patience, I know I can reap a bounteous harvest of Your gifts and blessings.  When I become fearful or apprehensive, I can flee to the refuge of Your arms where You will cover me and protect me from my enemies.  My hope is for a happy and successful life and it comes from my knowledge that You are with me each day and want to help me resolve my problems.  I know that You will be my life-time partner and will be my Advocate before the Father … assuring I receive justice.  Because of Your love and commitment to me as Your own, I know where my security lies.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

II Thessalonians 3:3 … the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.

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