Most Understanding Lord, I remember a story in the Bible where You and the Apostles were crossing the Sea of Galilee. You had fallen asleep in the back of the boat and a storm came up suddenly and threatened to sink the boat. The disciples panicked and cried out “Teacher, don’t You care if we drown?” You awoke, calmed the sea and asked them, “Why are you afraid?” I, like Your disciples, sometimes get fearful and worry over circumstances that come up suddenly in my life. I wonder if You are unaware of what is happening to me or whether You have too many things going on to be concerned about them. Storms seem to crop up in my life all the time. Whenever I face those difficulties, I have the option of shrinking in fear or resisting the fear and putting my trust in You. In these times, I must open my heart to You, admit my need and trust You will help me deal with them appropriately.
When I fear and panic, I underestimate Your ability to deal with my problems. These negative feelings come about because I do not seek Your power in dealing with them. You have been with Your people since creation, yet I underestimate Your will to use Your power on my behalf and Your ability to handle the crises that come into my life. The more I spend time with You reading and meditating on Your words, I know that my fear will be replaced by faith. You want me to understand that there is no place for fear when I am filled with faith in You. In other words, the two cannot reside in the same place. Reassuring words can be found in the Scriptures that increase my trust and faith thereby driving out fear. Fear is a tactic used by the Devil to separate me from You and leave me defenseless. When I act in faith and give no place to the Devil, fear cannot intervene in our relationship.
In another place, You tell me not to fear because You are always with me. In You, impossible things become possible … nothing can exceed Your power … I cannot be separated from Your love … and my problems are Your problems. Remembering these things is important to keeping the Devil away and putting You solidly in my corner. Fear has no place in my life and, if it’s there, I have allowed You to be pushed out. You know I will have pressures put on me that cause me to fear. Throughout Your Word, You encourage me “to stand firm” and hold on to the truths that I have been taught about You. Since You are love, fear has no place in love because fear is a form of punishment and You are a God of just rewards. Your love quiets my fears and gives me confidence “to stand firm.” And it’s in Jesus name I pray. AMEN!!
Mark 4:40 He said to His disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”