O Sacrificial Lamb, You offered Your life as the price to redeem me from the power of sin and eternal death. You underwent excruciating pain and mental torment so my sins could be blotted out. I am convinced that You suffered the most from my betrayal of Your love and belief in me. You generously gave of yourself while I was stingy with my love and affection towards You. You were the epitome of holiness and I was engulfed in evil. You placed more importance on my life than I placed in Yours. You gave me unconditional love while I withheld my love from You. You thought the best of me when I gave You little thought. Your words meant something and were the solid rock on which I could build my life, but my words were lost in clouds of worldly whims and beliefs. Sin had sunk its claws into my fallen nature and I struggled to free myself from them. Darkness surrounded me and I could not find the light.
So why have You gone through so much to save a wretch like me? I stumbled along as if dead … yet You offered me life. I looked for a solid foundation upon which I could build my life and found myself sinking in quicksand. I labored from the heavy load that life had dropped on me and You offered me a helping hand. When I struggled with problems, You gave me solutions so I could turn my impossibilities into victories. When I lacked wisdom and struggled with making decisions, You offered me Your wisdom and gave me the gift of the Holy Spirit to teach me how to put Your principles to work in my life. As I felt darkness enveloping my life, You gave me light to see my way forward. When I was weak, You gave me Your strength. When my mind became clouded and confused, You brought me clarity. When I felt vulnerable and was full of fear, You built a hedge of protection around me.
You loved me before I ever loved You. I was a sinner in desperate need of a Savior. You are the One who has driven out evil from my life by taking up residence in me. You saw how fear and worry held me prisoner and You unlocked the chains that held me back. You were the One who saw the coward and wimp, but wanted me to become a lion of the tribe of Judah. You are my royal robe who hides my weakness and blemishes. You saw the wounds of rejection, disappointment and failure and came to apply Your healing balm to my emotions. You replaced my brokenness with the uplifting power of Your commitment and devotion. In Your love and mercy, You have seen my pitiful condition and offered me compassion so I could find a better way. I know I’ve asked you many times … why me? Now I’ve come to understand … it is because I need You so much. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost.