O God of Comfort and Love, You instruct me to not let my heart be troubled. You have called me to believe in You and trust that You will help me through my tests and trials. You want me to be anxious over nothing … knowing You will come to my aid. When I feel circumstances closing in on me, I must pray … open my heart to You … and trust that You will make lemonade out of my lemons. You invite me to cast my cares on You because, if I carry them, they will drag me down. If I turn them over to You, You will handle them. I remember a time when the Apostles started out across a lake in a boat without You. A storm arose and they became fearful. Fear overwhelmed them because You were not with them and they let their eyes convince them that all was lost. When You walked across the water and climbed into the boat, You calmed them and the seas. Unlike them, I want to walk by faith and not by sight.
It is Your peace that replaces fear and worry in my life. Having experienced Your peace, I find it hard to describe. In it I feel calm, reassured, hopeful and safe. As my day unfolds, I feel steady and confident. When I lay down to sleep, I know I am safe and being watched over. In Your peace, I find refuge from the things that disturb and unsettle me. In it I can stand strong knowing that You are my fortress and You’ve built a hedge around me for protection. And, as I walk with You and learn more about You, I am gaining trust in You. It is in Your Word that I find my greatest peace and the help I need to keep from stumbling. When I have a problem that needs solving, I seek Your advice and calming words that are found in the Scriptures. I know that You have given me Your peace to protect my heart and mind so I do not get distracted. Living in Your peace is a choice. And I choose to fill my life with Your peace.
Trusting You plays a big role in chasing away fear and worry. In Your arms, I find safety and rest. When I see You meeting my needs, I know You are faithful and caring. I often wonder why I fret so much about what I have and do not have. Then I think, if You care for the animals and plants, surely You will look after me. I have learned that my thinking can either hinder or help me in feeling care free. When I keep my priorities straight, things go well. When I lose sight of them, there is no way things will go right. But, if I first seek to further Your Kingdom, I believe my life will stay in line with Your will. When I am carnally minded, I put too much emphasis on the things of the world but, when I am spiritually minded, Your light is able to shine into my life showing me what I should do. Without You, life is dark … with You, it’s filled with hope. As a result, I’ve committed my life to You and now I have no worries. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Isaiah 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.