Holy, Holy, Holy are You Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come. All living creatures in Heaven and on Earth praise and honor You because You are the Creator and Sustainer of all things. Lightning and thunder proclaim Your power and might. You glow with a light that reflects Your magnificence and holiness. Angels guard Your throne, help us worship You and proclaim Your goodness. Your attributes are majesty and power, faithfulness, wisdom, sovereignty and signify why You are the Lord God Almighty. In Your wisdom You reveal in Your Word how You will conclude life as we know it and usher in Your Kingdom. By living a life of obedience, I can show You the honor and love that I have for You. You showed me how to live an obedient life by the way You obeyed Your Father in dying for my sins. You alone conquered sin, Hell, death and Satan and are worth of my praise.
Throughout the Scriptures You are pictured as a lion (symbolizing Your authority and power) and a lamb (symbolizing Your sacrifice for the sins of man). As the Lamb of God, You were the perfect sacrifice for mankind instead of the unblemished lambs the Israelites offered as an annual sacrifice for their sins. In Your death, the power of sin was disarmed and I was granted eternal life. Although You were a sacrificial lamb, You were in no way weak. You died and now reside with Your Father in power and strength. People of every nation give You honor and praise for the work You did to free them from the power of sin and give them the hope of eternal life. Anyone who comes to You in repentance and faith is accepted by You and will become a part of Your Kingdom. Because of Your abounding love, You welcome all people into Your Kingdom. Like other Believers, I owe You worship and praise for all You have done.
In the world today, people throughout the world give You praise. Your message of salvation is not limited to culture, race or country and this allows them to praise You for Your love and kingship. In the end times, You will gather people from the ends of the Earth and bring them together to rule and reign with You. Through the abundance of Your love, You have drawn me to Yourself and blessed me with an abundance of spiritual and physical blessings. You alone are worthy of my honor and praise. My feelings and expressions of adoration, reverence, trust, love, loyalty and dependence are all due to You alone. The best ways I can show my appreciation and honor You is through obedience and service to others. It has become as natural to praise You as it is to breath. O Author of Life and Giver Of All That Is Good, You alone are the One to whom I give my praise. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Revelation 5:8 Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty who was, and is and is to come.