You Are Kind and Merciful

Most Beloved Savior, it is easy to complain about life, but when I stop to think about all You have done for me, I realize the vastness of You kindness and mercy. I must never lose sight of Your many benefits like … forgiveness of my sins … my healing when I am sick …redeeming me from the pit of Hell … Your everlasting love and compassions … for satisfying my desires with good things … and Your renewal of my strength when I am run down or depressed. Your ways are righteous, and Your justice is fair. Teach me how to walk uprightly and judge the acts of others with compassion. I am so grateful that You are compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and anxious to love. When I do wrong, You are kind and forgiving and give me another chance to get it right. I am amazed that You do not treat me as my sins deserve nor do You repay me in accordance with what I have done.

I have been blessed by Your kindness and mercy throughout my life. No matter how difficult my life’s journey becomes, I know I can count on You blessing me in the future the way You have done in the past. You first gave Your laws to Moses and then Your people and then me. Your commands present a clear picture of Yourself and Your will. Your Word has become a training manual to prepare me to serve You and follow in Your ways. As I meditate on Your Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) show me Your way and give me the will to persevere in keeping them. As a human, I am fragile and Your loving care is essential to my overall well-being. Too often I draw back from Your firmness and justice, ignoring Your compassions and concern for me. When You examine my life, You do not forget my frailties and human condition. Your mercy takes everything into account and allows You to deal with me compassionately.

I am so glad that when I confess my sins and show true repentance, I can receive Your forgiveness. And when I do, You remove my transgressions as far as the east is from the west. In other words, You remember them no more … and neither should I. I must also never forget that events will follow that prove out Your saying that “I reap what I sow.” As a natural father has compassion toward his children, so do You have compassion for Your own. I rejoice in the fact that I was known to You before I was born. You filled me with talents and abilities to use in spreading the Good News to a sick and dying world. Your love reaches out to every man in the hope they will draw near to You. And if they do Your love and mercy will abound toward them. My heart rejoices in belonging to You and I look forward to living in the kindness and mercy that You dispense to Your own. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Psalm 117:2 For great is His merciful kindness toward us: and the truths of the Lord endure forever.

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