You, My Gracious Lord, are my island in a sea of trials, tribulations and turmoil. The ocean of life in which I live swirls around me with rip currents and tides that pull me back and forth. The sharks of evil lurk all around me … ready to attack at the very moment when I let down my guard. I am but a small, delicate boat cast adrift in the waves of time, duty and obligations. Like the buoyancy of a life vest, I am counting on You to hold me up if my life’s boat is overturned. I need You to resuscitate me when I am pulled under by the forces of sorrow, heartache and disappointment. Like a lifeguard, I count on Your watchful eyes to keep me safe from danger or circumstances I cannot handle. Like a lighthouse, I need Your light to guide me to a place of safety and refuge. Be my wind gauge, warning me when storms are coming into my path.
Be my guardian and the one who will show me the way I must go. Place a hedge around me and protect me from all danger. When storm clouds gather on the horizon, guide me away from them and help me find calm waters. Patrol the sea of my life, like a Coast Guard cutter, looking for things that will harm me or steer me away from You. Help me keep my eyes fixed on You. Never leave my side, O Lord, for without You, I know that my life would go aground on a reef of hardship and trouble … where I will surely perish for lack of Your refreshing and nourishing. If my life becomes stuck on a sandbar of adversity and heartache, pull me free and to open water so I can restart my journey being filled with joy, hope and peace. When squalls sweep into my life, help me weather them and not become blown off course.
You, O Rock of Gibraltar, are my island of refuge that helps me through the tough times in my life. You are the Wise One who I can always count upon to have the answers and solutions that I need. Whenever the waves of adversity come rolling in, You are the breaker that shelters me from their bruising force. Life is full of choices and decisions and, if I keep my focus on You, I know that all things will work in harmony to produce peace and good outcomes in my life. As long as I cling to You, danger and destruction will be kept at bay. As I seek Your face each day and count on You as my source, I know that all of my needs will be met and I will have nothing to fear. And, if I become shipwrecked, You are My Island of Refuge who offers me a place of safety, peace and abundance. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 31:2-3 Turn Your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my Rock of refuge; a strong fortress to save me. Since You are My Rock and Fortress, lead and guide me.