Almighty God, it is through Your grace, which You poured out upon me, that fills my life with abundance. As I conform my life to Your will and obey Your commands, I have sufficiency in all things. It is You who generously supplies all of my needs from Your unlimited resources. I trust that whatever things I ask for will be given to me if I request them with a pure heart. I have learned over time that my sufficiency is linked to my relationship with You. The closer I am … the more of Your abundance I receive. The farther away I am … the more I find lacking in my life. It is through Your strength alone that I am able to plow through problems, bowl over adversity and overcome evil. By the working of Your mighty power, I am made more than a conqueror and victorious in my struggles with evil. I have come to realize, it’s by conforming to Your will, that I can find abundance.
You have spoken through Your Word to assure me that Your grace will always be sufficient to get me through any situation that I face. And, as Your power is extended to me, my stresses and anxieties will be eliminated. So, rather than struggle in futility with problems that are bigger than I can handle, I will admit my weakness so that You can take over the situation and tear down the obstacles holding me back. In all things, I am trusting that I will be successful if I seek You and make my needs known to You. I know that You possess all of the solutions to my many problems and the things that are needed to eliminate my road blocks. To reach the pinnacle of success, I must team up with You so I can draw upon Your wisdom, Your power and Your grace to help me sustain my efforts and overcome my obstacles. Life is good when it is lived for You.
You have instructed me, if I abide in You and Your words will abide in me, I can ask what I desire and You will give it to me. This leaves me with an assurance that, if I work on a meaningful relationship with You, I’ll be given everything I need for a good life. As we bond ever closer, I have Your promise that whatever I ask in prayer, believing, I can count on You to supply. The confidence I have, as I go through my trials, is that You love me and want me to have Your best. Through Your perfect love, You have provided for all the things I need that pertain to life and holiness. Your desire is to do exceedingly more than I can ever ask or imagine You would do for me. I am ever mindful of Your many benefits … forgiveness of my sins … healing of my illnesses … delivering my life from adversity … and pouring out Your kindness over me. This is how I know You are sufficient to complete my life. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
II Corinthians 12:9 And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”