You Are The One

Most Omnipotent Lord, You are unique in the amount of knowledge and control you maintain over all things.  You alone possess the power to carry out all that You plan.  I am foolish if I think I can fit You into my plans.  As a follower, I must adapt my plans to fit into Yours.  When I am tempted to think that You are unmoved to help me, I cannot forget that Your arm is not too short to reach down and help in my times of need.  And, Your Word reassures me that Your hearing is not dulled so You cannot hear my cries.  Since You can do all things, You are not limited in what You can do in response to my pleas.  To receive my answers, I must base my requests on Your Word, ask with unselfish motives and seek the good of Your Kingdom.  Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, I know that I will be changed for the better.  Former desires will not entice me and I will be able to distinguish between good and evil.

I must not set my affections on the things of the world, because that will only divert my attention from You and open a door to worry.  For all of the fretting I do over the things that I need, I should not worry because You know my needs even before I do.  I’ve come to understand that as long as I keep my eyes on You … everything I need will be supplied.  Only my faith in You can free me from anxiety caused by selfish and self-serving desires.  It is appropriate to work and plan for the future … it is bad to dwell on all the ways my work and planning can go wrong.  Becoming apprehensive is pointless because it cannot change a thing.  It is foolish to doubt You in light of the love You have for me and the concern You have for my well-being.  I must never lose sight of the fact that Your desire is to meet all of my needs … not necessarily all of my desires.  Seeking Your Kingdom is my way of keeping You first.

Help me reject any thoughts about Your withdrawing any of Your promises from me.  I can reap a great harvest when I constantly trust and believe in You.  Through my faith, I can draw from You the strength I need to overcome the obstacles I face.  If I look only to my resources in resolving problems, I will get stressed out and ultimately give up in despair.  As long as I look to You, obey what You command and wait patiently for You to act, I will see problems evaporate before my eyes.  When I believe, an exchange occurs … my weakness for Your strength … my confusion for Your clear thinking … my limits for Your limitlessness.  What an incredible experience this is for me.  As a Christian, I cannot avoid every kind of evil because I live in a sinful world, but I can make sure I do not let it gain a stronghold by not straying from You for even one moment.  You are my One and only.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

I Corinthians 8:6 … and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.

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