Most Beloved Savior, You came as a man to bring Your father’s message to His people. You are the ultimate revelation of Your Father … a living picture of His holiness and an expression of His desire to be connected again to His people. As the Creator, You made something from nothing. Because I am a created being, I have no basis for being prideful. I only exist because You made me and I possess the talents I have because You gave them to me. Joined to You I am valuable and unique … apart from You, I have no meaningful value. If I try to live without You, I am abandoning the purpose for which I was made. No matter how complex my life becomes, I must remember that You created all things and nothing is too difficult for You. Because You live in me, Your love is bigger than anything I face. As I get to know You better, it becomes clearer to me that You are the “One and Only” Son of God.
When You came, darkness (evil) ruled on the earth, but You came to bring a light that would give hope to the world. In Your light, I can see myself as I am (a sinner in need of a Savior). As I follow You, Your light keeps me from walking blindly into occasions of sin. You light my path so I can see how to live. You remove the darkness of sin from my life and put the light of truth before me so I can make good choices. I am not the light, but (like the moon) I reflect the light that I receive. You are the true light who helps me see my way and shows me how to walk uprightly. As a reflection of Your light, I am hoping that unbelievers will see the way to You. The description of Your followers as “witnesses” conveys my role as a reflection of Your light. Sometimes I get wrapped up in my life and do not see my need for You. The entry of Your light changes that situation.
The Scriptures tell me that when I welcome You into my heart, I am reborn spiritually and receive a “new beginning.” Through my faith in You, I am changed from the inside out. My attitudes, desires and motives are changed for the better. Being born physically alive places me in my parent’s family. Being born through You makes me spiritually alive and puts me in Your family. In becoming a new person, I am given a fresh start with lots of opportunities to do good with my life. Because You came, I receive the benefit of … A Perfect Teacher who can teach me how God thinks and how I should think … A Perfect Example acting as a model of what I am to become and how I am to live … A Perfect Sacrifice who satisfies the requirements to remove my sins. When I come to understand who You are, my pride and self-importance melt away. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
John 1:4 The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.