You Raised Me Up

Most Gracious and Loving Lord, on Easter Sunday You were raised from the dead. Each day I feel the power of Your resurrection within me. Through Your power in my life, I can climb over the obstacles placed across my path. By Your power, I can walk through the storms of life that come to wash away my hope because You are my hope. When I am weak and weary and want to give up, You lift me up and carry me on Your shoulders until I am ready to start over again. You have raised me up to be more than I ever thought I could be. Through Your light and guidance, my journey through life has been made manageable. When I am troubled and confused You step forward and show me the way I need to go. Things always come into perspective and my thoughts become clear when You come and spend time with me. I only feel at peace when I am resting in Your arms and I have laid my burdens down.

Where would I be without You? Lost, headed to hell and an empty shell of a person. Until You came into my life, carnal thinking and responding to fleshly yearnings controlled everything. I was held captive by chains of sin and darkness surrounded me on every side. Worldly thinking had taught me all that I knew, and selfishness had become my constant companion. Finally realizing all You had suffered and gone through for my sake finally dawned on me. I felt unworthy of Your suffering and pain … and I surely was. But the tugging on my heart caused me to want to commit myself to You. I aspired to make something more of the life You suffered so much to save. When I was at my lowest point You came and took me by the hands and raised me up to follow in Your footsteps serving others. Life has taken on more meaning since You came into my life.

In my lowest state You came to save me. All You wanted was to see sorrow in my heart for the evil I had done and possess an earnest desire to be one with You. I realized how small and powerless I was apart from You but, as I spent time with You, I could begin to see my potential. I knew within myself that You would help develop that potential. I am so thankful that You have been faithful into making me all that I can be for You. When I stumble and fall You come quickly to raise me up and steady me. When temptations and the world try to convince me that I am small and helpless You remind me that by staying close to You all things are possible. You are awesome and wonderful and far beyond my greatest expectations. I give thanks every day that You saw my fallen condition and reached down to raise me up. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

II Corinthians 13:4 For to be sure, He was crucified in weakness, yet He lives by God’s power. And by God’s power, we live with Him to serve.

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