Your Call To Me

Most Persevering Lord, I understand that a Christian life is not a paved road to wealth and ease. It often involves hard work, self-denial and suffering. In response to these things, I must focus on the good that You bring to my life and not the Devil’s inducements of a better and pleasure-filled life. Where Satan is motivated by a hatred of You, I must be motivated by my love and devotion to You. My role, as a Christian, is to obey You and follow Your leading. In the same way that You took up Your cross to fulfill what Your Father asked of You, I too must be willing to take up my cross and follow You. Your coming to earth was not an easy visit. You faced disappointment, heartache and abandonment. But regardless of Your feelings You persevered in fulfilling Your mission to save sinners like me and overcome the power that sin held over my life. The cross was Your sign of Your undying love for all sinners.

You said in Your Word … “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” In the time of the Roman Empire, Romans and those under their dominion knew exactly what taking up a cross meant. Death on a cross was a form of execution reserved by Rome’s for its most dangerous criminals. A prisoner was compelled to carry his cross to the place of his execution as a sign of submission to Rome’s power. In Your statement, You used the image of carrying a cross to illustrate my submission to You. You are not against my seeking pleasure nor demanding that I needlessly suffer. You are requiring that my efforts to follow You day by day and do Your work even when the circumstances in my future look bleak. My role is to shine Your light into the world’s darkness, follow wherever You lead and obey what You tell me to do.

I should be willing to lose my life for You. Not because my life is useless but because nothing can compare to what I can gain from following You and doing Your will. What You desire is my submission to You rather than lead a life of sin and self-satisfaction. You want me to stop trying to control my destiny and let You direct it. That makes good sense to me because You know better than I do what the future holds. What You ask is submission … not self-hatred. Instead, You ask me to abandon my self-centered focus and be willing to be changed. You want my desires for possessions, power and personal influence to be exchanged for a life of dedicated service to You. If I work hard at getting what I want, I will find my rewards to be hollow and empty. That is why I have decided to take up my cross to follow You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Mark 8:34 Then He called the crowd to Him along with His disciples and said: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”

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