Your Divine Mercy

My King of Kings, through Your broken body my spirit has been reborn and through the shedding of Your precious blood I have been redeemed. Because of Your divine mercy I can now rejoice and be glad in my new life. I am blessed to know that Your mercy is timeless and no matter how old I am or how many generations have come and gone, Your mercy endures forever. Time places no limit on Your mercy, and You dispense it to those whose heart turns to You. You are the stone rejected by the builder, but You have become the cornerstone of all that I am and all that I believe. Through Your loving sacrifice and the mercy wrought by it, I have been made more than a conqueror through Your awesome power and might. Your mercy is clearly the fruit of Your love for Your people. It was Your love and my helplessness that caused You to open the doors of Heaven for me. Praise be to You My Conquering King.

When You rose from the dead You appeared before Your apostles saying, “Peace be with you.” Through these words You acknowledged the fact that forgiveness was in Your heart if only those who heard it would accept You and the redeeming work You did on Calvary. The saying “Peace be with you” confirms Your dispensation of mercy on those who would believe in You for their salvation. To receive I must believe and, if I do, the doors of Heaven will be opened to me forever. The fullness of Your mercy is what warms my heart and turns it from stone to flesh. By turning it to flesh, I have feelings like Yours … I am alive with You … and I am given a life full of promise. Through the merciful sacrifice of Yourself, I have been given a pathway to Your Father’s heart and a helper to get me there. Your love is the key that unlocks my imprisonment by sin and my fleshly desires. Praise be to You My Conquering King.

Your justice does not depend on my desire or effort, but Your mercy. For You said, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” You chose me because my heart is turned to You. That in no way excludes anyone from knowing and loving You … but it is their choice. In all things You work for what is good for my life. I know I can have complete trust in You because You honor Your Word. When I come to understand who You are and what motivates You, I can be assured that Your choices will be good for me whether I understand or not. In the same way, so is Your mercy. In appreciation for what You have done, I must set my sights on sharing Your mercy with others. Your love is mercy in its fullest and everyone deserves to receive it. Help me reach out to You to receive the fullness of Your divine mercy. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Exodus 33:19 … I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.

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