O Gracious Lord, You are the center of my life and the source of my hope. You are the light that shines brightly in my heart illuminating it with truth so that I might walk uprightly. Your beauty radiates into my life allowing me to see the purity of Your heart and Your loving devotion towards me as Your child. Where You are, darkness cannot prevail. You sent Your Son so that His light might open my eyes so I could turn from darkness and recognizes its danger. In Your light, all things are made visible so I can see myself as I really am. The more I walk with You, the more light shines into my life enriching it and helping to purge away my sinful ways. In the glow of Your light, Your truths are illuminated … my understanding of Your ways is expanded … and, the way to walk in righteousness is made clearer. In examining Your life, I see how You lived in conformity to Your Father’s will, which is what I should do. Help me see and comprehend the things of Your Kingdom so I might grow in holiness and love.
You sent me Your light to earth in the form of Your Son, but I preferred darkness because my motives were selfish and sinful. Each time that I choose to sin, I show my disdain for Your light. When I choose to live for You, I live by Your truths and bask in the warmth of Your light. Unfortunately, if I choose to walk in darkness, I do not know where I am going nor will my path take me to the place where I need to go. Darkness eliminates my ability to see, causing blindness and confusion. Light, on the other hand, delivers me from the power of darkness. In the same way that clouds fill the sky and blot out the sun, so do the clouds of darkness and deception bring about doubt, worry, fear and unbelief which blocks my feelings of closeness to You. But when You send forth the winds of faith, hope and love, the clouds of darkness depart and joy/peace return. My eyes are a lamp into my body. If my eyes are focused on good and holy things, then I allow Your light to bring me revelation and insight. When my eyes are focused on evil and selfish things, then I am blinded to Your goodness and benefits.
You have given me instructions on how to walk in Your light through the words You spoke when You said “I am the light of the world and whoever follows me will not walk in the darkness.” And, in another place, You said “I have come into this world to be a light so that those who believe in me can escape sin and darkness.” As a result of following Your example, I am a child of the light and I bear fruit in the form of goodness, truth, kindness, charity and joy. Your light has rescued me from the dominion of darkness and brought me to a place where I can find forgiveness and redemption. I want Your light to guide my way so I can find strength for my journey … boldness for my witness … and happiness for my life. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
John 8:12 I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.