I know the plans that You have for me, My Lord. Plans to prosper me and to prevent harm from overtaking me. Plans that give me hope, direction and a future. You know me by name and I have found favor with You through the shedding of Your blood. Teach me Your ways so that I can understand You better and continue to find favor in Your sight. I know that You watch over me in order to keep me from losing my way but You will always bring me back if I stray. I believe that Your desire is to mature and strengthen me for the race You have mapped out for me to run. Plant me in good soil and refresh me with rivers of living water that flow from within so I might become fruitful. Give me a heart to know You and remain faithful to You in everything I think, say or do. I rejoice in being a citizen of Your Kingdom and my wish is to serve You alone. I am confident that if I stray from You and fall into a pit, You will pick me up and guide me back into Your flock.
Blessed are You, My Hope of Ages, who sees all of my weaknesses and infirmities. Despite them, I know that in You resides all power to deliver me from them. You have promised to protect and keep me from becoming entangled with the world or consumed by evil. I know that You will sustain me when I am at my weakest point and restore me when my faith and hope are nearly extinguished. Have mercy on me, a sinner, and heal my body and soul. Teach me to flee from temptation and take refuge in You when I feel vulnerable to attack. Raise me up from my fallen estate and I will repay Your kindness with loving service and heart-felt devotion.
When the enemy launches an attack, I can be assured that the reason is because I am in step with Your plans for me and he is trying to knock me off stride. Whenever I resist in Your strength, Your patience and Your wisdom, I am convinced that You will be pleased and will not let him triumph over me. I promise to steadfastly cling to Your words and commands and I know You will stand with me in the thick of the fray. All praise and honor are Yours, My Everlasting King … the Protector of my life … and, the One with a plan for it. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.