A Name Above Every Name

I praise and glorify You, My Lord, for You have been given a highly exalted name … one that is above every other name on earth.  And with Your name comes the requirement that every knee must bow and every tongue profess that You are Lord.  Because You paid the price required by divine justice, You merit the highest honor among men.  I willingly give You the highest place in my life because of the painful suffering You endured for my sins.  Through Your act of loving compassion, You demonstrated Your deep devotion and affection toward me.  I gladly acknowledge Your kingship in my life because You ransomed it from hell.  As one who has been redeemed, I gladly accept my role as Your servant.  I know that as a servant I must be about the work to which I’ve been called … actively spreading the Good News … and, promoting Your Kingdom.  I will never be able to justify myself through strict observance of the law, instead, it is by grace and my faith in You that I’m free from sin and been given a place with You.

The earthly name given to You was Jesus.  The name reminds me that while you were fully God, You were also fully man.  And, as a human, You felt the things I feel … fear, hunger, sadness, pain, disappointment, joy, fulfillment and brotherly love.  Having felt these things makes You a perfect advocate for me before Your Father.  You know everything about me … my weaknesses, my sorrows, whether my repentance is genuine, the joy I feel in my victories over temptation and the satisfaction I feel when my good works bear good fruit.  You clearly relate to the pains I feel in the flesh when I am afflicted or the ones I feel in the heart when I am disappointed or rejected because You suffered these things too.  While You are God, I will never forget that You were like me in every way and understand the struggles I face in my life.

As the Christ, You are the Anointed One, the Messiah.  Within that name is imbedded the roles of prophet, priest and king.  These are not just job titles that were prescribed for You, rather the personal qualities given to you by Your Father.  The names … Prophet, Priest and King … show me the exalted role You possess as the Son of God.  They define who You are:  The One who spoke what the Father spoke; the One who obediently offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice to redeem Your people; and, the One who now reigns over heaven and earth as the Supreme Ruler of Creation.  You stripped the power of sin and death from the hands of Satan and have taken Your rightful place at the right hand of Your Father.  I am so blessed to understand the fullness of Your name and the power and honor bestowed upon it.  That is why I live each day knowing that Your name is above every name.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Philippians 2:9 Therefore, God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him a name that is above every name …

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