My Faithful Lord, You are constant and remain unchanged throughout the ages. You can do all things through those who believe in You. You do not lie, and no deceit can be found in You. I can always count on You to be faithful and true. In whatever You say You will do I can rely on You to respond at just the right time. Every word You speak can be trusted and show great wisdom. You are invincible on my behalf, unstoppable in protecting me and utterly relentless in getting me on the right road. You are the strong foundation upon which I have built my future. You have filled my life with mercy, grace, and many rewards. Whatever You start in my life You stick with me until it is finished. There are times in my life when I experience circumstances that cause me to doubt. In those times of hopelessness and despair You reassure me of You love and send the exact provisions that I need.
In the abundance of Your love, I have been granted all the things that pertain to life and godliness. Through what I am learning about You, I have been given wisdom, hope and an ability to do good. Through Your divine power, I have been granted access to all Your promises. By acting in faith, I can fulfill Your calling and emulate the things You did to show me a better way. In Your death on the cross, I have been promised the forgiveness of my sins, the power to overcome the yearnings of my flesh, and eternal life with You. In our relationship, I pledge to never cut You out of my life in favor of other gods. I have come to understand that You do immeasurably more than I can ask or imagine and, in that understanding, I realize that what is impossible in me is made possible through You. You bring stability to my life because You are truthful, and I can count on You fulfilling the promises You make.
Through Your loving care and promises You made known to me the way to a good life … overcoming difficulties, finding freedom from confusion and indecisiveness, and experiencing more abundance than I ever dreamed possible. Thank You for Your promises and assurances in the middle of my troubles. I am glad that I can count on You to fulfill Your promises when I have need of them. I am secure in my belief that You care for me and want Your best for me. The entrance of Your words gives me strength and the hope for a better tomorrow. I have peace knowing that You are near as I go through each day. Through Your great promises I have been given an avenue to partake of Your divine nature, escape the corruption of this world, and be all that You created me to be. I will put my hand in Yours and allow myself to be guided by Your words. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should change His mind.