Dear Lord, I am so thankful that You are revealing more of Yourself to me each day through the Scriptures where I can learn about Your holiness and my sinfulness. By internalizing Your truths, I am convinced that I will reap the benefits of walking in Your ways. By accepting Your Word as truth, I hope that Your words will help me rebuff willful sins and overcome the power that sin holds over me. I want the words I speak and the thoughts that I think to align perfectly with Your aims and intents. When I first contemplated giving You control over my life, I thought I would have to leave fun behind. But it has turned out to be just the opposite. Your words revived me, gave me wisdom, brought joy to my heart, put a light before my eyes so I could see a better way, warned me of danger and promised me rewards for doing good. What I have come to realize is that Your Word provides sure guidance for my life.
So then, what attributes of Your Word should I embrace? First, I can say it is perfect because You are perfect. Your words are trustworthy because they are a mirror of You. They bring joy to my heart because they give me hope and the assurance of Your love. Your Word shines a light before my feet to show me the path toward success and making good decisions. Your words are pure and have endured the test of time. I know that I can count on what You say as truth, and I can be assured that what You send them to accomplish they will do. There are no errors in the Scriptures because the Holy Spirit has watchfully insured their accuracy. They are the foundation upon which I have built a productive life. Your words are precious to me, and I feel the love they convey. Your words are clear and, if I find them difficult to understand, I have the help of My Teacher the Holy Spirit to help me.
Your Word convicts me when I am about to do wrong … encourages me when I am about to give up … strengthens me when I feel incapable of doing what is required of me … and guides me in making good choices. I cannot forget that You hear every word I speak and know every thought that I think. As I accept Your words, I know they will transform the way that I look at things and they way I think. Because You are My Guide, I trust that You will help me see my errors and point me in the right direction. Your words give me wisdom I need to make good choices and teaches me to live the way You did. In Your Word, You teach me how to be obedient and display good stewardship. Your Word not only gives me a glimpse of who You are but also insight into Your heart. I am thankful for the gift of Your Word for in it is all I need to know. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 31:3-4 Since You are My Rock and My Fortress, for the sake of Your name lead and guide me. Free me from the trap that is set for me, for You are My Refuge.