Amazing Grace

Most Amazing Lord, I am so thankful for Your unmerited and unearned favor that fills my life.  It is a marvelous gift that flows from You to me because You understand my frailties and weaknesses.  You have seen my flaws and covered me with Yourself.  That explains why You came down from Heaven and did for me what I could not do for myself.  You paid a debt You did not owe to free me from a debt I could not pay.  In Your sacrifice, You delivered me from the power that Hell, death and sin held over me.  Because of Your love, You gave the greatest gift a man can give another … Your life … in order to redeem mine.  Because of Your selfless act, I am a free man.  I can now make good decisions that are based on Your Word and that has empowered me to do things that I once thought were impossible.  I could never do enough good works to redeem myself, but I can give You thanks for all that You have done for me.

It is Your grace that has helped me see You as the kind, compassionate and loving God that You really are.  In Your grace, I’ve been relieved of the stress, worry and fear that once filled my life.  How wonderful it is to live in peace and harmony with You.  There are no walls of separation … only open arms of abiding and unconditional love.  All it took, on my part, was to accept You as the Ruler of my life.  Now I can live above my circumstances and trials.  Through Your grace, I have been promised that good will permeate my life.  Your grace also assures me of unending hope and security.  You have become my protector and benefactor.  No matter how long I am allowed to live on this earth, You will always be worthy of my unceasing praise and perpetual thanks.  You’ve been with me since my beginnings and I’m assured that You will be with me until the end … and, for that, I am so appreciative.

The chains that once held me captive to sins and fleshly yearnings have been unlocked so that I can experience a new freedom and power that makes me an overcomer.  With grace comes the ability to succeed and do things I once thought were not possible.  It is the force of Your grace that propels me toward holiness and righteous living.  Your grace has freed me to become the person You always wanted me to be.  The measure of Your grace is only tempered by the magnitude of my faith.  When my faith is growing and expanding, so does the amount of grace You flood into my life enabling me to accomplish the goals You had in mind when I was given life.  Through Your grace, I am kept in safety and protected from evil.  Your grace has in it a power of life that pushes me to emulate You … and that truly amazes me.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Romans 5:17 … how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through one man, Jesus Christ.

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