Leading the Way

O Gracious Master, You promised in Your Word that You were initiating a new covenant with Your people and You were putting Your words into their mind and writing them upon their hearts. You promised to be their God and called them to be Your own. Therefore, I am most anxious to participate in the same close relationship with You. I admit that I have sinned against You. However, because of my repentance, I know You will give me another chance to get it right. No sin is too great for You to forgive nor any sinner too lost that they cannot be redeemed. I know that once You forgive my sins You remember them no more. However, the forgiveness You dispense does not mean that I am freed from bearing the consequences of those sins. I acknowledge that my sins were acts of rebellion against Your sovereignty, but my contrition cleanses the stains made on my soul by them.

In the same way that You learned obedience through Your suffering, I see Your example of submitting to the will of Your Father as the way I am to submit to You. As You chose obedience over suffering and death, I must be willing to take on tough decisions and deny the fallen yearnings of my flesh. Teach me how to be sacrificial with my life as You did with Yours. If You learned obedience through what You went through, help me learn those ways so I will be able to bear my burdens and live unselfishly. I am confident that You will stick with me throughout my learning process and my efforts will lead me to ultimate victories. When the battles become tough, I should not forget that You are the one who gives me the power to succeed. I know I will mature as a Christian if I listen to what You have to say and do what I am compelled to do. As my mind and heart are renewed, I will become more like You.

If I want to become more like You, I must choose the way of a grain of wheat … choosing to lay down my life so it can be reborn in newness of life. In dedicating my life to You, I believe You will draw me deeper into Your heart. Once there, I will see as You see … feel what You feel … and contemplate the things You contemplate. Amid whatever troubles and worries I find myself I am sure that Your words contain the answers I need. As each day passes, I feel You are purging the impurities from my life and shaping me into the vessel You intended when I was given life. Help me recognize and deal with the things in my life that separate us. Help me restrain my flesh … become willing to be inconvenienced … show true compassion to others … and allow You to be the potter and myself the clay. In knowing You intimately and following You willingly, I know my life will be changed. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

John 12:22 Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant will also be. My Father will honor the ones who serve me.

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