Most Generous Lord, You encourage me to be generous with my time, talents and resources. Your hope is that as I give freely others will likely follow. I acknowledge that everything that I have comes from You. As a committed Christian, I must develop a willingness to give trusting You will supply all my needs. It does not matter to You how much I accumulate, rather how willing I am to share what I have. Your outlook toward giving was shared through Paul who said that each man should decide in his heart what he should give as an offering to You. Giving should not be done reluctantly or under compulsion. And that You love a cheerful giver. My generosity is directly proportional to how thankful I am. I should always be open to giving for the advancement of Your Kingdom. As I accept the fact that everything in the heavens and the earth are Yours, it should be easier to return a portion of what You give to me.
I have reached a pinnacle in my walk when I give to You willingly and with an honest intent. Any abundance I have comes from You and I must not be greedy with it. There will be times when You test my willingness to share the good You have shared with me, and You are pleased when I respond generously. Giving freely should bring joy to my heart because giving is better than receiving. I thank You for giving me a loving and generous heart that makes me want to share You and what You have given to me with others. You have given to me liberally so why should I not be willing to also give liberally. Your love never fails, neither should my desire to share what You have given to me with others. When much is given, there is an expectation that much is expected. Because I am blessed, I should be willing to bless others. The more I learn to give, the more You will give to me.
Help me constrain my flesh from being stingy with my time, talents, and resources. Your words are very clear … “whoever sows sparingly will reap sparingly and whoever sows generously will reap generously.” I must never hesitate in giving to You generously because I fear I will not have enough left over to meet my own needs. I should not fear because You have assured me that You are able and willing to supply my needs. I am learning that my attitude when I give is more important than the amount that I give. I must look at Your financial blessings as resources You give to me to use and invest for You. What You provide is not to be hidden, foolishly used for self-indulgence, or wasted. Instead, they must be viewed as seed to produce a bountiful harvest for Your Kingdom. I should never expect to get wealthy through giving. I should give to please You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
II Corinthians 9:7 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.