I Am The Lord Your God

My Mighty King, on Mount Sinai You revealed Yourself through the ten commandments. Your commands and guidelines were intended to direct me in my relationship with You and others. In the world today, there are many gods to serve – money, material things, power, the esteem of others, Buddha, Confucius, etc. I have come to the realization that among other gods You are the only One who can give me peace, salvation, and the power to overcome. The first commandment requires my acknowledging You as the One and Only God and provides emphasis to the importance that I must give You with my life. I must resist the call of the other gods who want to take Your seat of preeminence in my life. I must guard against letting You slip from the highest place in my life. Keeping my focus on You – through prayer and meditation on Your Word – will keep other gods from encroaching on Your place.

Like the Children of Israel, who You delivered from slavery in Egypt, You have delivered me from slavery to sin. And, as You brought them into a land of “milk and honey”, You have brought me into Your Kingdom and given me a place at Your banqueting table in Heaven. Your name and character are special to me because they define who You are. The very way that I act toward You reflects how I feel toward You. Are You worth my time? Time in prayer and my time in church answer that question. Are You my example? Not only hearing but doing Your Word answers that question. I should show the respect and love I have for you through words of praise and worship rather than cursing or jest. You called me to set aside a special day of rest and worship. The unhurried time gives me a chance to focus on You alone and let my body regenerate. In doing this, I demonstrate how important You are to me.

In giving me the first three of Your ten commandments, You share Your feelings on the relationship I should have with You. Through meditation, prayer, contrition, repentance, and penance I demonstrate whether I understand what You ask of me. Your desire is for me to give myself completely to You (spirit, soul, and body). When I fall, comfort me. When I feel alone, give Yourself to me. When I am sorrowful, wipe away my tears. When I am in distress, come to my aid. When I am discouraged, remind me who I am in You. As You plug the holes in my life, I will become a vessel able to bring Your love and restoration to others. As my One and Only, I will love You completely, worship You completely, and serve You completely. I pledge to focus on being all I can for You and giving You the place of preeminence in my life. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Exodus 20:2-3 I am the Lord Your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.

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