Choose Blessing or Curses

Almighty God, You have set before me each day the choice of blessing or curses. Each day is filled with opportunities to join with You or pull away from You. I can choose to listen to the voices of men and the callings of the world, or I can heed Your commands and do what You ask of me. If I choose to follow in Your ways, You are faithful to do the things You promised in Your Word; and, if I go my own way, I will reap the consequences of that bad choice. I believe in my heart, that when I draw near to You … You, in turn, will draw close to me. When I choose You to lead me, You have promised to restore all that which I have lost … Your compassion will surround me … and our relationship will be enhanced. Even if I drift away from You, I believe that You will bring me back to Yourself and fill my life with goodness. You will restore me to my previous standing with You.

My deepest desire is to love You with all my heart and soul and life. As I draw closer to You, You will build a hedge around me to keep away the curses of the world and my enemies. When I accept Your will and Your ways, I will bask in the benefits of my faithfulness. In everything that I do You will cause me to overcome, live in good health and have a fulfilling life. By making good choices, I will cause You to rejoice and I will have no regrets. If I learn to obey You, I trust that You will reward me with good things. I believe that whatever You ask of me is not beyond my abilities to attain. Your words will take on greater meaning when I set my heart to doing whatever they ask of me. You have set before me the choice of good or evil and Your hope is that I will choose what is best for me. And the important thing for me is to remember that it is my choice.

If my heart turns away from You and I become disobedient and I choose to bow down to another God You will cut me off from Your protection and my pipeline to blessings. If I choose my own way and the ways of the world, my life will become like a shipwreck with no way to get to prosperity or peace. Your desire is for me to choose the life and blessings that can only be achieved through You. If I choose the path of blessings, newness will be added to my life, I will experience a love that is beyond my understanding, a heart that listens to Your voice and obeys it and an inheritance of a child of God. The fullness of Your mercy is hard to grasp and it goes beyond anything my mind can conceive. Even if I choose to walk away, I know that Your love will pursue me and woo me back. Help me to cling to You and Your love. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Deuteronomy 31:19-20 I have set before you life and death, blessing and curses. Now choose life so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord. Listen to His voice and cling to Him.

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