Come See A Man

King and Master of the Universe, I acknowledge that from the beginning of time You were both with God and You are God. You were with the Father and the Holy Spirit from the beginning and have been the Father’s liaison with man. As revealed by the Holy Spirit, You made all things and without You nothing would have been made. In You was life and it shined into the world. Your light shined into the darkness, but the darkness did not understand the reason You were being sent. Your Father intended for You to be a witness to those who would believe You are The Son of God and their Redeemer. The light that You emanate shows me the way to eternal life. I rejoice in the fact that You allowed me to see Your light and become a child of God. Although You were fully man, You never ceased to be the eternal God. I am so thankful that You responded to Your call and I ask that You help me answer mine.

As I contemplate Your coming, my mind is drawn to the story of the woman at the well. Why did You choose to visit Samaria? A place where no respectable Jew would dare to go. It shows me that You are not a respecter of men … whether good or bad, Gentile or Jew, rich or poor. And why did You pick Jacob’s well? A place where people came to draw their daily water. The woman came that day at noon (when most people draw water in the AM when it’s cooler), probably to avoid people who knew her reputation but You had a plan (to seek and save the lost) and a message about Your purpose (offering a drink that would satisfy our thirst for righteousness forever). I feel this story is recorded in Your Word to remind me that no matter what race I am, social position I hold or past sin I committed can keep me from Your love. You told her things that made her run off to her village saying, “come see a man.”

Like the woman at the well, I have a moment when You speak to my heart something that is meant to draw me into a personal relationship with You. I understand that many spiritual functions parallel physical ones. As my physical body hungers and thirsts, so does my soul. I have come to realize that the Living Word (You) and the written Word (the Bible) satisfy the hunger and thirst of my soul. I also recognize that You did not come to eliminate my challenges, but to change me on the inside and empower me to deal with them. Sharing the Gospel with others does not always have immediate results. When asking people to change their lives, I must be willing to let them digest what they have been fed. You crossed all the barriers placed before You to reach me, can I do no less? Help me say without reservation to everyone I meet … “come see a man.” And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

John 4:28-29 Then leaving her jar of water, the woman went back to town and said to the people, “Come see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?”

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