Confidence in My Lord

O Lord, I have seen men worship the things they own, the sports teams they love and the power they wield … as for me, my eyes are fixed on You.  For You are awesome in power and Your beauty is captivating.  Your laws are just and Your wisdom cannot be matched.  You are my Sure Foundation … the one for whom I yearn … the only One who I can trust … and, the One who is my constant and steady support.  You have blessed me with life and Your desire is for me to be faithful in living it out for You.  I know that trouble and heartache are a part of my journey.  I am confident that by my faith in You and Your promises, I will get through them all.  For You have assured me that everything will work out for my good if I love You and respond to Your call.  With You at the center of my life, I know that I am building on a solid foundation.  Your commandments and teachings are the building blocks I use to build my life.

As I put my hope in You, I know I will not be disappointed.  As I learn to trust You more, fear and worry will lose their stronghold on my life.  My courage will be enlarged as I learn to love and respect You in all that I say and do.  If I listen to Your words and put them into practice, I will grow in righteousness.  I believe You when You say that Your eyes watch over me at all times and Your mighty shield and strong right arm are my defense.  I know that I can count on You to shelter me from harm … shield me from temptation … steady me when I stumble … and, give me a “hand up” if I fall.  My trust in You lifts my spirit … puts joy in my heart … gives health to my body … and, brings contentment to my soul.  Help me be the one who builds and does not tear down … prays and does not sit idle … repents and does not return to his evil ways.

O God of all creation and giver of my life … my success is linked to You.  My confidence rests on Your promises and love.  I no longer feel abandoned when things do not work out as I planned.  I feel relief from knowing You are with me, regardless of the circumstances, because I know You will take my hand and show me the way to go.  Help me learn how to “let go and let You” work in my life.  I no longer want to be in charge of “things” because I usually mess them up.  What I want is for You to take the lead and I promise I will follow.  As a result, I’m convinced my outcomes will turn out much better.  I’m emboldened when You are near … I’m confident when I know my decisions are in line with Your will … and, I’m find courage when I can wield the Sword of the Spirit.  Precious Lord, You are my everything and I believe that even my most difficult problems can be banished if I maintain my confidence in You.  Continue to bless and prosper me so that my confidence in You can grow.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen!!

Joshua 24:14-15 Choose for yourself this day whom you will serve … As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

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