Creator of All Things

How beautiful is Your creation, O Lord.  Your awesomeness can be witnessed in the cannon blasts of thunder and the blinding flashes of lightning emulating from a summer storm … the perpetual sound of waves crashing upon the rocks along a shore … the sun rising to light up the morning sky … the sound of people stirring as the day begins … the birds singing their happy songs throughout the day.  As I gaze upon the majesty of Your creation, I know that it did not come about by chance or some “Big Bang”.  No, there was an omnipotent, all-knowing Deity who orchestrated this whole, beautiful, connected place we call “the universe.”  Yes, an awesome God who spoke and all things came into existence.  It is through Your love and desire to share Yourself with Your people that we were allowed to see the depth of Your wisdom and power.   Your creation came about through much forethought and careful planning.

In the expansiveness of the ocean or the sky, I am able to see just how vast and large You really are … bigger than any problem or obstacle that I face.  I can sense the immenseness of Your love by focusing on the gift of Yourself that was given to redeem me from my sins.  I can understand Your mission for me as I see Your plan for my life unfold.  I am able to see Your order in the laws and commands You’ve documented for me in the scriptures.  I comprehend Your intense desire to share Yourself intimately with me by the things that are revealed to me through Your Holy Spirit.  I sense Your presence in everything that goes on around me … in the things and people You put into my life … and, by the daily provisions that You supply to meet my needs.  As I think about Your place and role in my life, I know that nothing can be withheld from me and nothing can impede me as long as I cling to You.

I even sense Your presence with me each day as I think each thought … as blood courses through my veins … as I make the difficult decisions I need to make to move my life forward … and as I hear You speaking to me softly when I take the time to listen.  You have become a vital and integral part of my life.  I cannot undertake the challenges of a new day without the knowledge that the God who created “the universe” will be with me and will sustain me.  In order to keep my life on course, I find myself continually asking myself “what would Christ do?”  To insure that I walk uprightly, I meditate on Your laws.  Because You alone are the God I serve, I seek Your guidance in everything I do so that my way will be secure.  O how great it is to know, love and serve You.  You will forever be my creator of all things.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Colossians 1:16 For by Him all things were created; things in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him.

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