Enduring Testing and Trials

Most High God, trees snap like toothpicks, rooftops fly off into the sky and mountains of water crash in and engulf the land. A hurricane comes ashore and only the strongest of objects can withstand its fury. For my life, like a building in a hurricane, the foundation upon which it is built is critical. It must be deep enough and solid enough to withstand the stress put upon it. My life and the quality of the foundation upon which it has been built determines the strength by which it will stand. Too often, my foundation is built with inferior materials, such as, my own desires … the philosophies of the world … emulating what others do … which cause it to crumble when tests and trials come my way. Even when I fill my life with prestige, possessions, and self-worth when I receive a sudden assault from my enemy or encounter adverse circumstances, everything is stripped away, and nothing stands but the foundation.

When my life prospers, and I do not have a care in the world, is when the dark clouds and winds of adversity sweep into my life trying to take away everything that is important to me. At these times of seeming hopelessness and loss, I must cling to You like a plank floating in a flood. Confronted with great odds against me, I must humble myself and look totally to You. In this day and time, it is easy to think I have all the answers. Only You know exactly why things happen as they do, and I must submit to Your Sovereignty. To be a faithful follower, I must decide to trust You no matter what happens. What I have come to realize is that if I lose everything, but still have You, You make me rich in so many ways. Although there are explanations for everything that I go through, I may not know why they happened while I am here on the earth … one day I will understand.

When I realize that You are in control of everything, it becomes easier to build my life on You and Your teachings. I must courageously accept what You allow to happen in my life and remain firmly committed to You. That is easiest to do when the foundation of my life is built on trusting and following You. When all else fails, I have You and that should be enough. Through suffering, I learn what You went through to save me, and I am comforted through Your compassion and love. When I suffer loss, I can watch as You return more to me. I should love You regardless of whether I feel like I am sinking in quicksand or standing on a mountaintop. I must come to the point of loving You regardless of whether You allow blessings or turmoil to manifest themselves in my life. Testing and trials are difficult, but they draw me into a deeper relationship with You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Hebrews 12:2-3 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of God. Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that You will not grow weary and lose heart.

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