My All-Knowing Teacher, knowledge (learned facts) is good, but wisdom (applying facts) is better. When I gain knowledge, it is useless until I know how to use it. It is important for me to not only hear what You are saying through Your Word and the Holy Spirit, but to start acting on it. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, You provide practical insights and guidance for my life. Many of Your teachings come to me in the form of proverbs … short sentences or stories meant to convey Godly truths. Through them, You give me a chance to learn and apply principles for living according to Your will. They are a mixture of common-sense steps for me to take and timely warnings. Your intent is to teach me how to walk in Your footsteps. I have come to accept the fact that understanding how You lived is the key to walking in wisdom. Applying Your truths to my life and walking in them is what gives me Godly wisdom.
I believe Your desire is for me to become wiser. When I listen to Your instructions, I learn more about how to carry out my personal relationships. They teach me how to love and demonstrate Your high moral standards. I am shown, through Your Word, that the way I talk reveals what I’m really like on the inside. What I say and how I say it shows others how really wise I am. While many view their work in terms of money and status, You judge my success by the good reputation I have, my moral character and how prominent You are in my life. As I choose to walk in Your ways, I am given insights into the depth of what You know. Your words lead me into living life the right way, having meaningful relationships, and making good decisions. Because You evaluate me on what I do, I should work with focus and purpose. After all, You sent me here with a mission and my duty is to live it out for You.
All the things that are captured in Your Word were given for Godly instruction. It shares with me practical steps for daily living. Your desire is for me to study them diligently and to ask the Holy Spirit to help me integrate them into my life. After all, by successfully immolating Your ways provides me the means to attain eternity. I must never forget that who I am – talents, time, and resources – are gifts from You. To do my best for You and run the race to which I have been given to run, I must strive to use the gifts You have given me wisely. When I boil everything down, it is critical for me to obtain Godly wisdom in order to live my life successfully. In seeking Godly wisdom, I will benefit greatly by not just hearing what You have to say but by putting it into action. As I see You more as my source of wisdom, I will reap the benefits of that wisdom. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Proverbs 1:32-33 For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them; whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.