Most Loving Savior, I offer You thanks for my many blessings, my good life, the people You’ve put into my life and Your creation (which You share with me). I not only thank You for the food that You provide to sustain my body, but the special gifts You give to uplift and fill my heart and soul. Send Your love to reside within me and show me how to become a better servant to You and my fellow man. Help me be a faithful steward of the things You have provided and keep me keenly aware to never take You or Your gifts for granted. I want my life to project to others the concern and tenderness You feel toward them. Use me like a lamp to shine meaning and hope into a world that is dying in sin and despair. I am thankful that You are not a stingy God … rather, Your bounty and prosperity fills my life with more good than I could ever dream possible.
I am grateful for all the things You stand for and all the things You do on my behalf. I am most grateful for Your mercy and grace that brought redemption to me through the shedding of Your blood and my surrender to Your Lordship. The giving of Yourself for me is the best gift I could ever hope to receive. And, because of Your love, Your desire is to bless my life with good gifts like peace, prosperity and joy. The gladness I feel in my heart and the everlasting consolation I experience each day come from the love we exchange and our faithfulness to each other. I make a daily choice to give You thanks for all that You’ve done for me. I know You want to see and experience my appreciation given freely and without selfish motives. I am not only thankful for the things I have (that are good), but I am also thankful for the things I do not have (that are bad).
Because faithfulness is a part of Your character, I am assured that – You are not only concerned with my physical well-being, but my spiritual health as well. Your eternal medicine is the truth exposed to me through Your marvelous light … You’ve bestowed me with favor and good things as I walk blamelessly before You … I can rest in the safety and supply You offer to sustain me … You do whatever You say You will do for me … You shield me from trials I cannot handle on my own and You empower me with the strength to stand when I think I’ll fall … You teach me how to rejoice in the middle of suffering because I know You are standing with me … You discipline me because You love me and in discipline I will be conformed into Your likeness … You instruct me in the way I am to go … You counsel me and watch over me so I do not go astray. I know that by giving You thanks I am acknowledging and showing respect for the most important person in my life. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 106:1 Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.