Happiness vs Joy

Most Beloved Savior, to me happiness is a fleeing, emotional feeling we humans experience.  Happiness can be found in opening a gift, winning a raffle, taking a vacation, buying a new car or home.  People want to be happy and we spend a lot of time pursuing it.  Happiness is something that depends on experiences.  But, when the source of our happiness … the gift opened, the raffle drawing over, we come home from the vacation or the new home/car becomes used … happiness flees and we grow disappointed.  On the other hand, joy portrays itself to me as a sense of well-being and something profoundly good working in my life.  It is sometimes expressed as praise and exuberance that has its origin in a close relationship with You.  Joy is what gets me through all of the bad stuff that I encounter … which is why Your Word encourages me to “Rejoice in the Lord always.  And again, I say rejoice.” 

In a life dedicated to You, I will encounter troubling and difficult circumstances.  If I learn to be content and focus my attention and energy on You, I will find joy coming to my rescue.  My heart’s desire is to know You intimately and learn how to live my life as You did.  I want to begin each day knowing that no matter what happens to me … You are with me and will go with me through my trials.  It’s in those difficult times that joy raises up to buoy me over my problems, like a boat over a wave.  It is easy to get discouraged when unpleasant circumstances come into my life, but they seem to fade when I put my focus on You and allow joy to become my strength. Ultimately, joy comes from You dwelling in me and my belief in You.  Your joy has shown me that my outward circumstances do not have to control my inner attitudes and feelings.  Happiness is fleeing, but joy is permanent.

Having a belief in You and receiving the new life You earned for me has brought an indescribable joy into my life.  Joy comes from accepting my mission and striving to fulfill it.  It is the force that allows me to keep a positive outlook.  I experience a high degree of contentment from knowing You care about my well-being.  My joy comes from the belief that You can cause good to come out of my tragedies.  I’ve come to realize that when I experience sorrow, my time of grief ends when Your joy makes its way into my consciousness.  That is why it is important to remain patient until I can reap my harvest of joy.  Living with You keeps me level-headed regardless of the circumstances I face.  As long as I keep my life intertwined with Yours, I’m able to weather adversity without sinking into discouragement.  These are some of the reasons why I seek Your joy instead of happiness.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Psalm 16:11 You have made known to me the path of life; You fill me with joy in Your presence.

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