Most Beloved Son of God, You said in Your Word “Have Faith in God.” You promised that with even the smallest amount of faith (the size of a mustard seed … one of the smallest), I could be joined to You in a way that even very large obstacles could be removed from my life. The sure way to get what I need is to ask in Your name and believe that I will receive what I ask for. You encourage me to not waste time fretting over the things I need to live because You know my every need even before I ask for it … and, that is why I will have my needs met. Your call of faith requires my unwavering belief that You do not lie and that You do what You say You will do. Wavering in unbelief is a sure way to shut down my link to You. I must be fully convinced that what You promise is what You will do. Then and only then, will I be able to open the doors of Heaven and reap the blessings You want to give to me.
Making Your Word and integral part of my walk is the way to learn Your ways, to familiarize myself with Your promises and to open myself up to the workings of the Holy Spirit. In the hands of the Holy Spirit, I will receive wise counsel regarding the way to live my life and ways to avoid the temptations and deceptions of my enemy, the Devil. In His embrace, I will find peace and rest. In addition, I must possess a deep conviction that You are faithful … standing with me in all things, extending me a helping hand and honoring my cries for help. I believe with all my heart that You have a deep, undying concern for me and never forget me or my plight. I am a child of The King, and while You are long suffering through my many false starts and wanderings, You will never allow me to perish or be driven from Your protection. You don’t always answer my prayers in my timing, but Your timing is always right.
The Apostle Paul explains that faith comes from hearing the messages embedded in Your Word. To read Your Word is to hear You speaking to me. And, when I take time to meditate on Your Word, it becomes a part of You that resides within me. I should live each day believing that Your arm is not too short to reach down and touch me wherever I am … and, that You are not too busy to address my pleas. I know that in my life I will experience trials which try to shake my belief in You. As a Christian, I know that I am not immune to the fiery darts of my enemy because His goal is to drive a wedge between You and me. I must never lose sight of the fact that while You were on earth You suffered through Your own trials but, through Your abiding trust in Your Father, made it through them all. Therefore, I too will do everything in my power to have a similar faith in You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
I Thessalonians 5:24 He who calls you is faithful, and will do what He has promised.