Praise Be To You

Most Cherished Lord, You gave us a perfect example of love in Your humble service to mankind and Your bearing the weight of our human need. By not forsaking Your suffering and death on Calvary, You allowed mercy to flow freely to me. As a response, I dedicate myself to Your service and living out Your Word to the fullest. Through Your unconditional love I have an eternal home; I do not go hungry; I have been released from the power of sin; I have healing through Your stripes; and, I have the gift of the Holy Spirit to get me through my toughest times. Give me a clear vision of what it is that You want from me so that I can fulfill it with energy and conviction. Let Your light shine on me and show me the way to a prosperous life. I want to see the depths of Your greatness so I can never be drawn away from You ever again.

As I make my needs and burdens known to You, show me how I can meet the needs and bear the burdens of others. Fill me with Your compassion and mercy so I can operate in unconditional love as You do. Stir up in me a desire to be faithful in service to You and those who You have placed in my life. I not only want to hear and speak Your words but become a doer of them. You left me the example of Your life and the gift of the Holy Spirit to show me how to be more like You. You gave me my faith in You as a strong foundation from which I can build Your Kingdom … first in me and then in others. I am sure it has not dawned on me all the things You want me to accomplish with my life. I promise to search intently to find what it is that You want of me and, once I find it, I will do my best to achieve it. In You I have found hope, health, comfort, council, and peace … and these things have filled me with joy.

Allow Your wisdom to fill my life so I can put it to good use and avoid mistakes. Your mercy has shown me Your love and how You will stand with me in eliminating sin from my life. With the power to wield, honor in Your heart, courage in times of darkness, and comfort to give those who suffer loss or failure, You have shown Yourself to be an awesome God. The words You speak give life and instill in me the principles by which I need to practice in order to live a good life. You are my strength when I am weary and my support when my faith fails me. You are the splendor of the Heavenly God, the One to whom the Father said, “This is my Son in whom I am well pleased.” There are not enough words by which to give You adequate praise. Because You have done so many things to redeem and salvage my life, I will spend the rest of eternity praising Your name. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Psalm 33:1 Sing joyfully to the Lord, you who are righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise Him.

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