Light of Life

O Most Brilliant Light, Your glory shines over all the earth turning back the darkness and thick clouds of doom and calamity that surround it.  Because of Your radiance, I am able to see clearly and walk with hope and confidence.  The gift of Your light shining into my life is one of my most treasured benefits of belonging to You.  For through it, I am able to recognize sin and the means to overcome it … live out a life of purity and prosperity with all of my needs met … and, develop the ability to see things through Your eyes with limitless possibilities.  Your light exposes me to the important things I need to know in order to be successful in all of my undertakings.  As Your child, You have clothed me in Your light which I wear boldly each day.  The true knowledge I gain from Your presence in my life illuminates the way I am to go and keeps me on the right path.

My eyes were once closed to Your light and Your saving power.  However, through the patient and determined works of the Holy Spirit, I’ve been shown the way to Your heart and the wonderfulness of Your caring concern for my welfare.  My eyes have been opened to You and a better way.  You are my light and my salvation.  For now I understand that through Your love You have delivered me from the depths of darkness and brought me into the marvelous light of who You are.  And, when I think of light, I sense it going in every direction penetrating every nook and cranny … and that’s how I think of Your light.  It is important to me because I need it so I do not get tripped up by my enemies and fall into their traps.  Your light is a beacon that shows me the dangers ahead and prevents me from stumbling.  It reveals the entangling falsehoods of my fleshly desires and the emptiness of human philosophies.

Your commands are lamps, like those on an airport runway, that show me where it is safe to proceed.  Through Your light, I am learning to love and respect You more … gaining a keener understanding of right from wrong … and, becoming able to make good, positive decisions.  Your light shows me the things that are good, pure, true and holy in my life … as well as the things trapped in darkness that cause me to sin.  Whenever I think of darkness, I am reminded that my enemy’s mission is to overcome and extinguish the light that You’ve placed within me.  But, it is my cooperation with the Holy Spirit that will never let that light be extinguished.  If I choose to walk in darkness, I do not know where I am going … but, if I trust Your light, I will always know the path I am to take.  So help me avoid the darkness by shining more of Your light into my life.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen!!

John 8:12 “I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

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