Linking God and Neighbor

O God of Love, You were once asked “which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” You replied, “Love the Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your mind … And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.” While those two statements may be regarded as separate and distinct, I see them no different than the bread/flesh and wine/blood being separate but equally as important in the Sacrament of Communion. I see the love of God and the love of neighbor, while separate, as linked together in the Unity of Love. You explained that if I love God with my whole being and love my neighbor as myself, I will experience the joy intended from complying with the whole Law which had been given to man. Rather than negatively looking at “what not to do”, You are teaching me to approach life positively by showing me “what to do.”

By loving You, I become the essence of who You are. As I focus my full attention on You, I begin to overflow in love which is poured out to others. In Your love, I find kindness, compassion and mercy. As I immerse myself in Your love, I am filled with the capacity to get beyond myself and put others and their needs above my own. As I reach out in love to minister to the needs of others, Your love fills my life with favor and blessings. There is nothing like Your love for me and, I in turn, must be willing to let Your love be poured out to others through me. Loving You and despising my neighbor is not compatible with Your unconditional love. Nor can I unconditionally express love for others unless it is rooted in You. It is much easier to focus on the spirit of the two laws by which You summarized the whole Law rather than try to comply with each piece.

In the command to love my neighbor, You give me the opportunity to practice what I expect of You … unconditional love. You love me with an open heart and desire to stand with me in my difficulties … so, You expect the same of me. What a wonderful and natural way to witness for You … by acting toward others as I want You to act toward me. As a hymn sung in church goes, “they will know we are Christians by our love … by our love, they will know that we are Christians by our love.” Why would I expect more of You than I expect of myself? Love is an emotion that penetrates deeper than any other because it genuinely cares, possesses a deep attachment and is tender. You are love, so in giving place to love I am giving place to You and, in loving my neighbor, I am giving place to him. Therefore, there is an inseparable link between You and my neighbor. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Matthew 22:40 All the Law and the prophets hang on these two commandments (loving God and loving neighbor).

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