Make A Choice

Most Precious Lord, as a human You have given me the freedom to choose between You and other gods, good or evil, self or selflessness. I am glad that You gave me this gift of choice but, like with any other gift, it should be appreciated and used appropriately. Joshua spoke to the children of Israel and said, “now fear the Lord and serve Him with all faithfulness.” He encouraged them to put away their false gods and “choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve … but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” The people then, like me today, had to choose to obey You who had proven Yourself faithful or go their own way. It is easy to slip into rebellion and go about life my own way. But a time comes when I must choose who will be given control over my life. The freedom to choose was a gift given to me to exercise. The way I live my life tells everyone what I chose.

Like Joshua, regardless of what others decide, I must make my own commitment to You. I know some say they will never forsake You, but they do not keep their promise because of their fleshly weakness or the enticements of the evil. It is more honest to live like a follower than to talk like one. Rather than shying away from my commitment to You, I should boldly stand out as one who is different from the world. Obedience is the best way that I can demonstrate my decision to follow You. Teach me to choose rightly of the things I must do to become like You. In choosing You, I recognize that You are holy, righteous, all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-wise. As I see more of You, I see myself better … sinful, weak, frail, and needy. In a relationship with You I become aware of all that I can be in You … and it makes me want to submit fully to You. Only then are You able to show me how to choose a better way.

Your Word says, “a good man brings good from the good stored within him and an evil man the things that are stored within him.” This should be remembered by each one of us who will have to give an accounting of what we have done with our life on judgement day. I, with my brothers and sisters, must appear before Your Judgement Seat to receive what is due for the things done in my body … whether good or evil. Knowing this inspires me to be a faithful servant. Since my life will be exposed before You, help me turn my life around so I can live as You lived. There will be troubles and stress for those who do evil. But there will be honor, peace, and blessings for those who choose You. I understand that I am not saved by good works … just saved for them. A life committed to You requires service. Therefore, along with Joshua, I have made a choice to serve You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Joshua 24:15 But if serving the Lords seems undesirable to You, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve … but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

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